General FAQs

  • How long has Arete been providing financial and legal services in Arizona?

    Arete Financial Solutions has been offering tax, accounting, legal, and financial planning services since 2021.

  • How can I schedule a consultation with Arete?

    Call our office at 623-505-7141 or email us at

  • What are Arete's business hours and location?

    We are located on the northeast corner of Litchfield Rd and McDowell Rd at 1626 N. Litchfield Road, Ste 170, Goodyear, Arizona 85395. Our office has its own exterior door on the northeast side of the building.

    Our hours change seasonally to the following:

    Tax Season Hours
    Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
    Friday & Saturday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

    Off Season Hours
    Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
    Friday, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

    All other times available by appointment.

  • Does Arete have any client testimonials or case studies available?

    We love it when clients provide testimonials about the work we do with them. If you would like to tell us about your experience working with Arete or view other people’s testimonials, please visit our Google My Business page.

  • How does Arete prioritize client confidentiality and data security?

    Arete has physical security in place to protect documents and data storage as well as the appropriate access controls for accessing financial and legal-related documents.

  • Are there any educational resources provided by Arete for clients?

    A majority of our in-office consultations are at no cost and are very educational. We also offer QuickBooks Online training.

  • Does Arete offer any digital tools or platforms for clients?

    We have several services we use to collect your data for all of our service pillars. Tax, accounting, legal, and financial planning each offer platforms for collecting data that is convenient and secure. Our office is also working diligently to launch an online appointment scheduler.

Tax Services FAQs

  • What tax services does Arete offer?

    Personal and Business Tax Return Filing
    Advanced Tax Planning
    Audit Assistance
    Offer in Compromise (OIC) Preparation and Submission
    IRS Representation

    Learn more about the Tax Services we offer here.

  • How can Arete assist with IRS audits?

    Our team of tax preparers is experienced in representing and assisting in the case of an audit.

  • What are the key tax deadlines I should be aware of in Arizona?

    The deadlines change often and we always recommend staying up-to-speed by visiting the IRS and AZDOR websites for the latest tax deadlines.

  • Can Arete help with state and federal tax filings?

    Yes, we are fully licensed to file taxes in all 50 states and at the federal level.

  • What tax planning strategies should small businesses use?

    There are a wide variety of tax strategies that can benefit business owners. We highly recommend taking advantage of our advanced tax planning services to see what would work best for you and your business.

    Contact us for more information or to schedule an advanced tax planning appointment.

  • How does Arete stay updated on the latest tax laws and regulations?

    Our tax team is required to keep their education up-to-date with at least 16 hours of Continued Education credits each year.

  • Can Arete assist with tax issues for non-residents or foreign income?

    We can file in all 50 states and can help with some foreign income situations.

    If you have questions about your foreign income tax filing, please contact us for more information.

  • Can Arete help me file an amended return?

    Yes, we are available to assist with reviewing a prior year's tax return and amending it at any point in the year.

  • Does Arete offer E-Filing options for tax returns?

    Yes, we can E-File in all 50 states and at the federal level.

  • Can Arete help with tax implications of real estate transactions?

    Yes, our office can help with all matters relating to real estate tax implications. Please call our office for a consultation at 623-505-7141.

Legal Services FAQs

  • What legal services does Arete offer for businesses and individuals?

    Estate planning—including Trusts; Wills; Powers of Attorney; and Beneficiary Deeds.

    LLC Formation/changes; Contract review and drafting. Businesses Formation and modifications, including complex operating agreements.

  • Can Arete assist with contract drafting and review?

    Yes, we can assist with a variety of contracts, including but not limited to asset purchase and sale agreements; employment contracts; and prenuptial agreements.

  • How can Arete help with business formation and legal structure decisions?

    We meet with clients to discuss goals for the business, and then provide suggestions on the best way to proceed. We draft and file formation documents, apply for the company's EIN, and create detailed business documents if needed.

  • Does Arete provide legal representation in commercial disputes?

    During the initial consultation, we will assess each client’s needs and formulate a plan. Although we do not provide representation in Court, the attorney will aggressively negotiate the settlement on the client's behalf.

  • How does Arete approach estate planning and will preparation?

    The attorney will meet with clients to discuss their family, personal situations, and ultimate goals to provide an individualized plan that will best fit their needs. The meeting can be in-person, over the phone, or via Zoom, but is always specific to each client and situation.

  • How does Arete charge for legal services?

    After meeting with the attorney to discuss the individual needs, the charge is based on either an hourly or flat fee basis. The majority of the work is charged as a flat fee; however, there are several situations in which an hourly charge is best for both client and attorney.

  • Can Arete assist with legal compliance for small businesses?

    Yes, we can assist with legal compliance including filing the Corporate Transparency Act report on the company's behalf.

Financial Planning Services FAQs

  • What financial planning services does Arete offer?

    Arete offers two distinct financial planning services to clients, ongoing financial management, and a standalone financial planning service.

    With ongoing financial planning, we help take a more involved role in managing your 401K, IRA, Brokerage, or other investment accounts; helping put you and your money in allocations based on your short-term needs, long-term goals, and personal risk tolerance. If something comes up in the market or in the portfolios, we can make moves to fix or pivot out of those investments, or into new investments when it makes sense. We hold your assets and put them under management to provide this level of attention.

    With Standalone Financial Planning, clients generally need someone with a financial eye to assess what makes sense for their personal circumstances. Ultimately, Arete’s advisors will provide you with the playbook and crunch the numbers, and you will be the one in control and making the necessary moves. This is an hourly service and requires significant dedicated time to address your needs. This can be utilized to help with your most challenging or creative solutions.

  • How can Arete help with retirement planning?

    Arete holistically tackles retirement planning; looking at how large we can make the retirement accounts, and how to protect you and prevent needing to unnecessarily pull money from your investments. Working in conjunction with our tax and legal team, we can find the funnels, potentially through multiple income sources a person could have, and put them into the accounts that function appropriately based on their life circumstances. Looking to minimize your overall tax burden is also the goal, looking at ways to use accounts to save on business taxes, or rolling accounts over to ROTH to stop paying taxes on gains, we at Arete are here to talk about your retirement goals and find the solutions that best fit your personal needs.

  • Does Arete provide investment advisory services?

    Arete absolutely offers investment advisory services to its clients for a myriad of investment vehicles. Whether we are dealing with Individual retirement accounts, talking through your 401K, or needing us to help manage it, we are here to help.

  • Can Arete assist with college savings plans?

    Arete has a few different methods and tools that can be used for college savings. From bank accounts, to education saving accounts, as well as less conventional methods, there are many ways to forge the path to higher education.

  • How does Arete approach risk management in financial planning?

    The word holistic is something we hold dearly. Properly addressing risk means understanding that things can happen that we cannot control. Looking at the whole picture, and understanding how all of your assets, not just your stocks and bonds, work with and for you. We look at what would happen in both the darkest of times, but also in the brightest of future events. Paying to keep a roof over your head and food on your plate are every bit as important as building your retirement account, and your health is as much a part of your wealth as your 401K. We talk about how to tackle risk and how you can be saving smartly differently than most firms.

  • What is Arete's process for creating a personalized financial plan?

    It all starts with our first meeting and getting to know you. We want to know not only what you would do when the market is gaining, but also what you would do when the market is falling to pieces? How did you react during times like COVID, and what are the purposes of the accounts that we are setting up? Between business, family, and personal wants, there are a lot of moving pieces and goals that we need to line up and understand their priority. We walk our clients through our risk questionnaire to gain an understanding of the mentality of each client, and craft a portfolio that works with their unique needs and wants. If there are alternative or specific investments that you would like to include or exclude, that is something that we are able to take into consideration, but also want to invest in what makes sense and is in your best interest. We use each client conversation and meeting to better understand you and work together to forge a path forward on your financial journey. Financial planning is an ongoing relationship that we will strive to maintain while building trust and å deeper understanding of your wants, goals, and dreams, and magnifying the options available to you to achieve your goals.

  • How often should I review my financial plan with Arete?

    Financial review is something that should be done at a minimum on a yearly basis, but often the need to review is greater than that. For new clients, meeting on a quarterly basis is where we like to start, as we need to understand how the investments are working, and if anything needs to change as we start a new relationship together. If there are large events, moving, bringing someone new into your life, starting a new job, getting married… all huge, financially significant decisions, which may require additional meetings to determine how this will all fit into your journey.

  • Does Arete offer services for high-net-worth individuals?

    Yes, between holding assets under management or coming up with more creative financial planning, Arete can service high-net-worth-clients with a level of precision and care that fully pulls all four pillars together; legal, tax, accounting, and financial planning. It is this multi-faceted approach to client financial counseling that allows us to provide the best possible service to all clients, from those just getting started to those who have already experienced significant financial success.