The Crucial Role of Tax Preparation and Accounting for Small Businesses
Among the key pillars of financial management, tax preparation and accounting hold a special place. Tax preparation and accounting are not just administrative tasks; they are the backbone of a small business’s financial health and growth potential.
Got a Side Hustle? Tax Season Just Got More Complicated
According to a recent survey, 45% of Americans have a side hustle in addition to their full-time job. In Maricopa County, the formation of businesses rose from 4.7% to 31.9% between 2019-2020. Whether out of necessity or passion, these side jobs will have important tax consequences come April 15.
Watching Wild Swings on Wall Street
A reminder to think long-term when you see the markets dive.
Save Money and Headaches with Year-end Estate Planning
Having a year-end estate plan goes a long way in ensuring peace of mind for you and your family. Talk with Arete Financial Solutions today!
Must Make Year-End Tax Moves for Small Businesses
For many the end of the year is a whirlwind of shopping, parties, families and fun. But in all the excitement small business owners can’t lose sight of the calendar and the looming last day to make crucial tax moves that could save money.
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1626 N Litchfield Rd, Suite 170
Goodyear, AZ 85395